Tuesday, November 25, 2008

DHL drops US service

As I am sure all of you who ship on a regular basis have heard about DHL dropping domestic US service shifting its focus to international operations.

Starting January 30, 2009 DHL will only accept outbound international shipments. Wiscomm will continue to accommodate our clients (primarily in Southwest Asia and China) who provide account numbers for outbound shipments. Wiscomm will not offer DHL as an FOB Wiscomm option.

Wiscomm plans to continue the use of USPS services for the majority of its lightweight shipments both domestic and international. Shipments over 20 pounds will continue to be directed to our heavyweight carrier UPS. We monitor our shipping carriers extremely close and feel these suppliers are the best in the business in terms of costs and speed of delivery.

Cost effectiveness and Speed are the founding principals of Wiscomm.

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